Thursday, August 6, 2009

$20, 3 Hour Challenge

Right now, each of the teams are completing a challenge: They have 20 bucks and 3 hours to bring God as much glory as they can! I'm sure they will blog about their experiences tonight, I'm looking forward to seeing what they all came up with!

Today I'm with the red team and we are still in my hometown, Muskegon, MI. Right now we are at the house I grew up in! My team chose to call my Mom up to see how they could serve her to glorify God. Cody, Liz, and Mik are amazed at my Mom's two pets: A Yellow-naped Amazon parrot named Merlin, and a Saint Bernard dog named Sheeba (who weighs 123 pounds, and is ALMOST a year old!). The red team also chose to bless my parents with some of their money, they bought a gift bag of candy, a thank you card for their involvement in our race, and a rose.

Well, our teams will be meeting up soon and heading to our next destination! Thank you all for the comments on the blogs, the students are doing great! I'm so proud of them! We'll be leaving Muskegon tonight and headed to our next destination, which is............... well... I can't tell. But I'm sure they will be posting about it soon!

Thanks for your support!



Anonymous said...

Hey guys....looking good!!!! ;p
Just wanted you to know you have ALL been in our prayers everyday! Last night @ youth group we played Amazing Race, ok not quite like you guys are, but it was SUPER FUN, none the less. Our team ROCKED! We were the RED team YEAH BABY!!! Wrote a little song about it...."Blue team, Green team, Green and Blue....don't be crying when the Red team beats you. We have mad skills and we're super fast, ya'll know we won't be comin in last!!" Thought that might make you smile....:D
Anyway...have fun, be safe, and know you are all loved, prayed for , and supported!


Very Sleepy Girl said...

Ok, Red Team, looking forward to seeing your latest photos & video!

It was so fun hanging out with you tonight in Niles! Thanks for letting me join you!
