Friday, August 7, 2009

new pictures!

hey guys! sorry it took so long but we FINALLY got all of our new pictures up.. but for some reason they're down a little ways.. Just make sure to scroll down and check out the blog called Chicago here we come :) to see all the pictures you've been missing.. they're grrreat! Sorry it took so long.


Unknown said...

Red Team, We have to say Go Kristan, it's like she never left home! The same is true for Joe and Janet who are home with ALL the kids! The "funny but creepy" video reminds us of Miss Asley Towey! Your pics are sooo pretty of the sunset and the spider? Well, it was a great try. We hope you have an "AMAZING" finish and we will see you on Sunday! Have fun and be safe. Craig and Jan Wood

Red Team said...

Craig and Jan- Well she said she missed her husband and kids so we thought we'd make her feel as much as home as we can :) haha glad you guys liked it.. it just came to us. it's god working again. and yeah it's definitely a spider.. it's beautiful in our eyes :) haha Thanks we'll try!