Sunday, August 9, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Thank you all for a truly amazing race! The winner is the BLUE TEAM! The green team took second, and the red team was third. The race came down to the final challenge, where each team dressed up their leaders in ridiculous outfits, complete with face paint and well placed toilet paper rolls, and paraded them in front of the church. Matt, who was driving for the blue team today, won the congregational applause-vote, propelling the blue team to victory. Kristan and the red team took second place in the final challenge, but it still wasn't enough to beat out Mike and the green team for second place.

Watch over the next few days for our final posts; we'll be putting up the videos that we had technology trouble with, and pics of the final challenge (well worth seeing!).

Thanks again for all of your support. Special thanks to Candi Banghart, who worked behind the scenes to arrange our travel, organize our budget, and make this event happen! Also thanks to Orchard View Congregational Church of Muskegon, Michigan; Mike and Sheri Miller, Jennifer Gregar, Pastor Andy of Community Evangelical Church in Niles, MI; Nina and Brandon Cooper and family, Ashley Towey, Craig Wood, Andy Veith, and everyone at Lighthouse. Also, thank you to the Wiliams family and the Schettler family for letting us borrow Matt and Kristan. And Matt and Kristan, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for joining us and making this event possible. It is 11:43, the race just ended, and I am exhausted, so if I missed anyone, please, understand and know that I am so thankful to everyone that made this event happen. And, most of all, thank you to you, God, for allowing us to run this race so that we can better understand this faith race that we are living every day.

~Pastor Mike

Saturday, August 8, 2009

We're baaack :)

Hey everyone guess what.. we're back in Iowa!! I know I know you're so excited. Haha, well don't worry right now we're about 12 hours away from Des Moines so you still have time to go out and have one last party before we get back! But right now we're driving to our hotel (Last night of the trip, but don't worry we get showers before you see us! ha) and we kinda got a little lost because they were doing construction on I-74, of course. Poor Matt, first he had to go through the Chicago traffic and now he has to drive at 11:45 at night trying to get to our hotel, and he misses his girls a lot. But we finally found a way to get to Coralville and we are now on our way to our hotel in Coralville Iowa and let me just say, last night we stayed in a really nice hotel in Chicago (of course) and it felt sooo good to sleep in a bed! My back and feet hurt so bad.. wow I'm getting old haha. Anyway, its really late right now, I can't wait to just get to our hotel and go to sleep.. thanks for cheering for the red team! :) and remember.. In just 10 minutes we'll be back.. in 11 hours! Crazy right?! Well don't have too much fun on the last night we're gone. I'll post more later.. right now I have to take a nap I'm way tired. We love you all!

Okay everyone, guess what?! We're back on track with our blogs (finally!) and we're back on the road again! Well, on Friday we went to Notre Dame college in Indiana and had to do a scavenger hunt to get our next hint which took us to Chicago! So we met at a cafe in Indiana and ate at Jimmy Johns and then we started on our way to Chicago! Well we got to the freeway in Chicago and most of you know the Chicago traffic.. Well, I had to pee about 20 minutes BEFORE we got stuck in the traffic on the freeway so of course I was literally almost crying cause we were sitting in traffic for about... an hour maybe? haha it was soo bad. So we finally just had to try and find an exit to go to the bathroom because by that time almost everyone in every van had to go to the bathroom so it was terrible. So we got off and went to the bathroom and the original plan was to go to the hotel and get checked in and then race to the water tower but since the freeway was so backed up Mike decided to just stay downtown for the night and eat supper and do our devotions downtown. So we went to Giovani's downtown and it was really popular so we reserved a table and some of us went shopping for about an hour.. then we went back and ate the famous deep dish Chicago pizza (Yumm! But definitely not as good as Bucca de Beppos) It was really good but I was really full after one slice! haha Then we walked down to John Hancock Observatory and walked around up there for a little bit and did our prayer time up there.. It was so beautiful and I don't know why but for some reason the prayer time that night really got to me.. it really touched me and I understood things a lot better and I felt like I really connected with God that night. Then we went back to the hotel and slept in (yayy!) until 11:00 the next morning and we got up and went downtown and just did the normal things.. ya know dinked around a little.. No what we really did was went to Water Tower Place (this huge mall in downtown Chicago.. it's so cool and definitely has one of the coolest, but most expensive, food courts I've ever been to) and we ate lunch there, then Mike took us to this place in downtown Chicago called Pacific Garden Mission and we got a tour of that place and it was amazing.. just to see how people did things there and how many people are out on the streets hurting and using drugs and trying to commit suicide? It was just sad and it really touched me. We heard some peoples' stories of how they came to find Christ and it gave me the shivers. This place runs souly on donations.. Everything they do and have is donated, they don't spend ANY money.. isn't that amazing?! That just shows you how much God is working in our everyday lives with everyday people and we don't even know it.. It has definitely made me look at my everyday life and all my things. I have been way selfish, I mean some people are out there starving and barely wearing any clothes and i'm complaining cause my parents won't buy me a laptop.. It really makes me realize how selfish I've been. It's truely amazing. But anyway sorry this is so long.. once I find out where we're going next i'll definitely let you know ;) keep checking up on us!
Me Megan and Brittney on a gorilla statue right before we left for Illinois!

Me and Mikky. I know we look soo cute with greasy hair and no make up haha

haha don't I look cute

the view from the top of the Hancock Observatoy.. It was so pretty, especially as it got later.

Me and Mikky about to fall in Lake Michigan.. AHH!

Me and Cody!

Mikky and Cody!

Me and Mikky on the skywalk above the subway

Me Mikky and Brittney in the bathroom at the food court. (Which by the way was thee most complex, confusing, yet cool food court I have ever been too! It was the one in Water Tower Place mall, a huge mall, but if you ever go there tell me what you think of it)

Me Megan Brittney and Mikky in the bathroom

The four of us with Dennis the Menace!

The four of us with him again but farther away haha. isn't he a cutie?!

The cafeteria in the Pacific Garden Mission

Some of the workers at the mission

Megan touching the beds they sleep on (very uncomfortable looking beds I might add)

Mikky with the beds

Our tour guide holding open the door to the Chapel for us

The Chapel in the mission

The wall of the chapel

The sign outside of the Mission

I'm not really sure what this is.. but I'm gonna guess it's the sign for the Pacific Garden Mission that we helped at.. I'm not really sure.. It's just a guess, but that's what I think.

Friday, August 7, 2009

new pictures!

hey guys! sorry it took so long but we FINALLY got all of our new pictures up.. but for some reason they're down a little ways.. Just make sure to scroll down and check out the blog called Chicago here we come :) to see all the pictures you've been missing.. they're grrreat! Sorry it took so long.

cody in chicago

hey were in chicago! whoo hoo! im alrite with chicago. (I MISS THE CORN FIELDS) alot. chicago is well like a corn field, you get lot easy. trip is good. matt was a little irritated with driving downtown chicago. i had some awesome pizza a few hours ago. im not a big talker on this blog thing. im so like my old man. i thinks that it 4 now. thank you for keeping us in your prayers everyone.


John Hancock Center

Tonight we visited the observation deck of the John Hancock Center. I did our evening teaching while we were there; it was about stepping back from our everyday lives to gain some perspective. I think the students took it well. The lesson culminated with an opportunity for each of us to get alone with God and discuss our personal faith races with Him. In their notebooks, the students were able to fill out three seperate "Game Plan Adjustment" plans. These plans are important. If the students are understanding the teaching and being at all convicted by it, they will respond with adjustments to their lives. Writing these responses, or adjustments, makes them tangible and specific: Instead of thinking "I need to make some changes", they will be thinking, "I need to make these changes". Specific, stated goals are much more likely to be reached.

If you know a student on any of our teams, please ask them how God is working on their hearts. See if they are planning on making any "Game Plan Adjustments", and if they are, hold them accountable. Pray for our students, I love them and I want them to succeed, to live their God-given purpose, to know the fulfillment of serving God well.



we are on our way to chicago..
and in traffic for about an hour
we have all had to go to the bathroom for
about fifty nine minutes ago.. so
some of us are hurting a little bit ha
we just uploaded all of our videos
for the funniest video award and well duh
since red has been winning pretty much...
everything ya id say everything muahaha
well we are trying to find a bathroom and then
go to our hotel for a few more challenges tonight
and then i have a gues we will be heading to iowa city,
but not for sure thanks for all the comments and keep
cheering for the red team cause you all know were the best.

Funniest Video Challenge

For one challenge on the way to Chicago we all had to make funny videos and the team with the funniest video wins bonus points.. these are our funny videos.

the first one isn't as funny but it's still pretty funny.. creepy funny.

the second video is definitely funnier and it's not fake.. this totally happened.

Funny Quotes of the Trip:

"Don't call my legs teeny!"

"You two need to be engaged... not to each other in this conversation!"

"How much is a gallon of milk?"

"So we bury them two feet right? Oh yeah definitely.. Oh, you're serious?!"

"Liz, are you trying to get Cody to take his pants off?"

"Let's go sing in a funeral home! Down Down Down Down Down Doooooown Dooooown"

"Hey what's the name of the song you sing that goes down down down down down? Umm i'm not sure.. but i think it's up.. maybe?"

"What are they doing over there? Digging a hole to China. Oh... KARISA DON'T GO BACK!"

"Okay seatbelts on boys and girls.... and Mikayla"

"I'm getting my febreze cause I see a problem coming on."

"Mikayla, have you milked the cow today?"

"Have you pooped fire yet, bry?"

"Come in guys. Well.. we would if we could walk through doors."

"Cody go get the donuts! They're in the bathroom. No cause someone's gonna jump out at me.. No no one will I promise.. EWWW IT SMELLS IN HERE! hahahahahhahahaha"

"It's a doggie-dog world out there.. uhh don't you mean dog-eat-dog?!"

Chicago here we come! :)

Hey everyone. Sorry it took so long to get all these pictures up but we had camera problems and then we had computer problems... and this is probably gonna be the longest blog you've ever seen cause we have so many pictures to post from all the days we missed.

Me and Mikky with a bear outside a gas station.. yeah, it's real


on tuesday we took a ferry over to muskegon michigan, mike's hometown, for another part of the amazing race.. it was a really fun experience and a fun ride.. I'll definitely never foret it. It was about two and a half hours from wisconsin where the first dock was to michigan where we stopped.. We traveled over Lake Michigan and got to see the sunset and it was beautiful.

the whole group on top of the ferry.

Lake Michigan from the top of the ferry.
on wednesday morning we all went and helped out at mike's sister, nina's, church. It was pretty fun and not that hard.. we just had to do a litle bit of work around the outside and clean some of the inside.. it was actually really fun helping them out. After we cleaned the church we went to eat some famous Michigan chili dogs at G & L and then went on a scavenger hunt in muskegon put together (very generously) by Mike's family. The scavenger hunt was really fun. After the scavenger hunt we met up in the park with Mike's family to have a homecooked meal (a really delicious homecooked meal I might add) then we went to the beach to go swimming and have a sand castle building contest.. it was amazing and so much fun :) I wanna live there now.

the whole group on the stairs.

the whole group and the pastor and nina in front of the church.

me and mikky in front of the G & L sign... home of the famous Michigan chili dog

the red team in front of the U.S.S. Starship.. we were excited haha

all of us with the "silver fox" in front of the lighthouse after we sang to her. It was so pretty there.

Cody filling up water bottles in Lake Michigan for one of the clues.. Him above water.
(Later he went underwater for bonus points)

Haha, he looks a little cold.

Me, Mikky and the painted man.

The red team in front of the Hackley House

The famous Hackley House. It was so pretty and huge.

Mikayla.. we buried her in the sand at the park haha.

Me and Kayballs after the scavenger hunt.. which the red team won, of course!

The sunset on Lake Michigan, it was so pretty.

We had a sandcaste building contest.. cool right?

What do you think it is? (I'll give you a hint.. it's NOT an octopus!)

Me and Mikky with our.. spider :)

Mikky kissing it.. she's such a freak haha just kidding. (btw, we lost the sand castle building contest to a whale giving birth! But that's just cause the guy who judged was blind, haha)

On Thursday we helped bought Mike's mom and dad some candy, pop, and a card to thank them for all the hard work they put into the scavenger hunt and then we helped Mike's mom by doing some work around the house. It was really fun, we walked the dog, mowed the lawn, raked and swept off the patio, dumped out the coolers, and fixed the garage door.. We made helping out around the house fun and I felt good for doing it.

Me Mikky and Cody walking Sheeba (Mikey's family's dog) to glorify God.

That was a huuuge dog.

Me, Mikky and Cody with Merlin :)

Meee sweeping off the patio!

On Friday we drove to Notre Dame and did a scavenger hunt around the campus.. it was really fun but a lot of running because Notre Dame is a HUGE campus, beautiful and historic yes.. but big. We all finished the scavenger hunt and then got the next clue and headed to Chicago Illinois! I love Chicago so it was so much fun for me to get to go there.. One of our challenges was to see who could make the funniest videos on the way there so you sould watch the videos (Funniest Video Challenge) and vote on whose is the funniest.. you should definitely vote red team :) We were supposed to have had a race in Chicago on Friday but plans got messed up so things kinda changed and we decided to make today kind of a sightseeing day in Chicago and tomorrow would be the race.

Me and Brittney in a snuggie at the Notre Dame bookstore

A statue of St. Mary and St. Elizabeth hugging

Me and Mikky "depicting" the statue haha

Mikayla getting friendly with a squirrel.. haha

One of the buildings on the scavenger hunt list (the Administration's building)

Top of the Administrations building.. Also on the scavenger hunt list.

Beautiful ceiling in the Administration's building

Us acting out a Mural on the side of the Library wall (don't worry we're not crazy it was on the scavenger hunt list! DUHH!)

Mike's Mom's adorable bird named Merlin..He says the funniest things like Polly wanna cracker? and makes siren noises and goodbye and bye bye and goodbyebye haha and hello merlin and i looooove you... or sometimes just i looooove. he's adorable and i want one soo bad now. when mike was in high school whenever the phone would ring the bird would go miiikey it's your giiiiiirlfriend! Everytime... haha but sorry the video's sideways we always forget to videotape it the other way.

Also, the read team just wants to say thank you to the "mini red team" so far they seem like our biggest fans and we love that you are cheering us on! Keep cheering for us!

We'd also like to thank Jennifer and Josh and Mike and Kristen and Matt and Nina and "Painted Man" and Beth and Sheri and Mike and all our parents and families and of course all of our blog readers who follow our blog and leave us comments! :) and anyone else who helped make the amazing race possible.. it has been so great and brought me so much closer to god and the youth group.. I love it. Well we're having a great time and we're glad you're enjoying our blog :) We'll let you know what's going on tomorrow along with some more pictures we took in Chicago today! Remember we loooove comments! Sorry this blog is so long but we had a lot of stuff to catch you up on!