Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Computer Problems

Hey everyone it's Liz and it's about 2 in the morning here in Muskegon MI. So much has happened in the last few days that this is gonna be one of the longest blogs ever.. Well, to start off our computer or camera or.. something isn't working right so unfortunately we can't upload any of our pictures right now! Which kind of stinks because we got a lot of good pictures yesterday and today.. and video of course! Well two days ago after we got done doing our scavenger hunt in Rockford (which seems like forever ago.. I can't believe just two days ago we were in Iowa!) anyway, after we got done with our scavenger hunt we drove all the way to.. well actually I can't really remember right now.. Gimme a break I'm tired.. I'll remember sooner or later and tell you when we get back on to post our pictures. But we left.. wherever we were and got on a ferry to come to Muskegon MI, Mike's hometown. I just want to say that the ferry was really fun and although it was long (2 and a half hours!) I didn't get sick once and I thought it was really fun.. I also want to say that I love Muskegon and Lake Michigan. It is so pretty and the sand here is so soft! I love it I honestly wanna move here. I also just wanna say thank you soo much to the Millers and the Coopers, the scavenger hunt you made us was so much fun we can tell you put a lot of work into it and the food you made all of us! It was so good and it was fun eating a homecooked meal.. sometimes fast food just gets a little old ya know?

Oh and before I go on Matt just wanted me to tell his daughters that he found your bracelet two days ago and he loves it and he's been wearing it the last two days.. I was supposed to tell you awhile ago but these last few days have just been so busy! But he loves you all very much.

Today, well yesterday now, we went on a scavenger hunt around Muskegon and it was so fun and hard.. we had to figure out so many riddles that Mike's family made up for us and we helped clean up around Mike's older sister Nina's church and that was fun.. Usually cleaning isn't fun but when you're doing it for a good cause and you make it fun it turns out it can be a lot of fun! Sometimes.. haha.

I can't think of anything else I need to say right now except that we love all your comments and love that you think our blog is the best ;) so keep cheering on and praying for the red team (oh which by the way we're winning right now by 150 points! it's not much of a lead but hopefully we can keep it up.) I also wanna say keep checking back to the blog cause as soon as we figure out what's wrong we'll add some pictures and videos of course! Also thank you soo much for all your support.. Especially to the parents this trip was definitely not cheap and I know you're probably all worried cause this is kind of a new experience for everyone but thank you so much. We're all having so much fun and learning so much about each other.. I love it!

But I better get some sleep here.. Tomorrow we're doing a service project most of the day and then going to a new city (state? I don't know yet) I'll let you know what's going on tomorrow but it'll probably be later in the afternoon..

Sorry we couldn't give you any pictures! But keep checking back here for pictures we'll have them up as soon as we can.

Night everyone! :)


Eva Williams said...

Good job red team for being i the lead! Thanks for the note on the bracelet too!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you guys are amazing! I can't wait to see the pictures too. You had better not get too comfortable as I know the other teams are going to be right on your tail. Miss you and I'm praying for you!
Mom & Loree

Jean Ulrichson said...

Hey Red Team ~ You Rock!

Hope we will be able to see some more pics and video soon. I really love to 'see' you having so much fun. Keep going strong....don't let them catch you.
I'm sad I won't be there to see you when you get back, but I'll be excited to hear all about it later.
Love & Prayers,
Mom & Jean